Before we even had kids, I knew I wanted to be home with them. I wasn't sure what that would look like though because a part of me still wanted to work and make a difference outside of raising them.
Not gonna was HARD going back to work after Eli was born...and having Dan stay home with him. I knew it was temporary though. Before he was born we had come up with a plan. A plan that would allow us both to be home...with an end date written down and actually communicated to other people at my job. It wasn't a wish or a dream. When you put dates to dreams and take action...they become plans...and they kinda force you to just make shit happen! If I'm being honest, it hasn't been easy. There have been SO MANY ups and downs, failures, successes, late nights, early mornings, sleepless nights....but it's made me into the person I am today and I wouldn't change that for anything. Now I get to sit and read as many books as he wants and my heart just gets excited when I realize that we did it. With God's help and guidance...we made a dream happen. And now... our focus shifts to helping other people get what they want and help them reach their dreams!
I've learned that when you work to help others, you are more likely to work a lot harder and with more passion. I believe wholeheartedly in the Zig Ziglar quote above. It's not even the financial stuff...
It's knowing that because I believed in them, they believed in themselves and became more confident. That they can be in control of their future AND be a part of something BIGGER than themselves. That they are successful, powerful, and empowered women. That they have seen their goals and plans come to fruition. Those are the things that truly fill my cup and give me a sense of purpose to do what I do every day. I would love to chat with you if you feel drawn to what we do or how we created the life we have!! Comments are closed.
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November 2019