Weight loss and getting healthy is just like driving....if you ever get lost or veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction!!
Makes sense right?? Or would you just light the car on fire and say screw it? The funny thing is, that’s what most people do!!! They “mess up”...and then just throw their hands up in defeat. Don’t be most people. If you ate too much junk yesterday....or drank too much this weekend or skipped your workout...or whatever....just make a U-turn or a course correct today! Here are a few tips!
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We try our best to share our life with you guys....and I know social media makes it seem like it's all glamour, beaches, fun stuff all the time and no work It's not. I promise. BUT there's a big difference between what our days looked like last year compared to now. Now...we choose what our days look like. As coaches, as business partners and life changers with Beachbody...we STILL wake up with an alarm around 6 or 6:30, because we WANT TO...with goals of getting up even earlier.
Some days we work a lot...some days we don't....sometimes we work on the weekend...and we stop when we'd like!! Sometimes we work at the beach or a coffeeshop or at home in the RV...the location doesn't matter. Total control. Messy hair. Yoga pants...no showers...no pants...no shoes...no problem. HA!! Every day is a new day to make a choice. To set some new goals. To grow. It's a NEW day to connect with people that want to join a movement...and want to spread the message of health and life to their friends and family!! If you want more CONTROL of your life...more flexibility or more control of your health and you love to serve people and help them, we'd love to chat with YOU!! ️ ✔️ What does success look like to you right now?
✔ What numbers are you trying increase? ✔️ Why are you trying to increase them? ✔️ How is all of this making you FEEL? God designed good work coupled with good rest. But we take it to extremes....being busy stems from the fear of never being enough. Busy covers our emptiness and says I am in control. If we stay busy, how can our lives feel meaningless, RIGHT? Don't edge out INTENTIONAL LIVING with your striving and "busy". Life is too short to spend an entire season working hard, thinking you'll live later!! God wants us to live NOW. (Honesty moment: I'm a work in progress and struggle with this as much as the next person!!) I want to share some stats and awesome info that I recently read in the book Eat Move Sleep. First off let me give a plug for the book...it's been a great read that goes super fast and has tons of practical tips to help you start making changes in your life. It's not loaded down with science but provides enough to let you know that the stuff he is saying isn't some nonsense he pulled out of thin air. There is a chapter in the book where he refers to a study of more than 6,000 people that all tried to lose weight and what the common characteristics were of the most successful. A common theme among the successful was being healthy at home. Seems like common sense right??? You spend most of your time there but so many people live in a toxic home that doesn't promote health! Here were just a few of the interesting stats that the study showed:
Eating breakfast... If you've followed us for a bit you know I've dabbled with Intermittent Fasting. There is a great science behind it and can lead some amazing results. It's a hard thing though for a novice to jump right in to and be successful. I think that is why the breakfast stat is an important one. Eating breakfast is a great way to set the stage for the rest of the day. If you start your day with a quality breakfast you will be a lot less likely to jump at the office donuts or the french fries at lunch. Your cravings will stay in check! Weighing yourself once a week, this one was a little interesting to me. I get that tracking your progress is a good way to determine if you need to make changes but for the average person they really don't know what changes to make. Other than maybe eat less and exercise more, which we know isn't always a great solution. Plus weight isn't the sole determiner of progress. So we will just let this one go...and agree to disagree. I love this last stat about TV watching. Frankly because I used to be a 10+ hour a week TV watcher. Let's be honest even the most riveting show gets boring at times so I turned to ice cream to help with that boredom. Mindless TV watching often times leads to mindless eating. On top of that TV watching also means sitting which is terrible for your health. The amount of activity went up substantially when we ditched the cable and we would encourage you to do the same. Other Ways to "Healthify" Your Home
Sometimes you see God work in big ways...and sometimes in small ways. Both are amazing 😉 but I'm always reminded that:
He WILL provide...so we can laugh and not worry so much!!💗 I don't know about you, but stress brings out the worst in me. These last few weeks have been hard...we're out of routine, haven't had a "home", (so thankful for my lovely in-laws who opened up their house to our crazy), attempting to keep our business going and growing, supporting our team and running accountability groups while we remodel the RV, clean out our town home, sell all the leftover stuff, sell two cars and purchase a new car, make sure Eli still knows we exist 😂 and spend time with him...plus try to remain sane, get our workouts in and try to have a little normalcy. There's been no time to think, breathe or process much. I've been trying to control outcomes and circumstances rather than just trusting HIM and His faithfulness. He works in ways we don't expect...and can move the most impossible situations. Why do we forget that when things get tough??! Because we're human and we're messy, that's why. The beautiful part about all of this is that He waits patiently and just draws us back to Him. But It's up to us to admit that we need a His help 💗 He won't force anything on us. Yesterday as we were driving to look at a potential car to purchase, we took a second to pray together and just ask for guidance. After an hour or so of Dan chatting with them and me chasing Eli around 😜 the dealer wasn't budging on the price...so we decided to pack it up and keep looking elsewhere. 20 min later the dealer called and came really close to what we wanted...so we went back and bought it. We could have obviously just chalked it up to the stuff car dealers normally do...but it was pretty much exactly what we had been wanting to pay and it was everything we had been looking for. So yea. A God thing. Not a coincidence. If you're going through some stressful times and feel like you have to control everything....or know how everything is going to work out. Just stop. Breathe. Simply do what is in front of you at this very moment and TRUST GOD with the big picture of your life!! |
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November 2019