Today you're going to create your MASTER LIST of people you know. This list will continue to grow as you remember people and as you meet new people..but it should literally encompass EVERYONE you know....from your neighbor down the street, to your dentist, to the person you met randomly on a flight to Florida, to the babysitter....everyone!!
Now don't freak won't be asked to start spamming these people right away...but soon, you WILL start conversations with people...just touching base to say hi...ask a question...give a compliment etc. Our business is all about RELATIONSHIPS...building them, cultivating them, CARING about people...and the more you focus on those, the rest will fall into place!!
You'll start by downloading your FB Friends list.....and then using the memory jogger, you'll add anyone else you can think of!! If you already have an IG account, start adding the people you're following to this list as well!! (SEE the ACTION STEPS below for instructions on how to do this)
You'll save this list in either an excel spreadsheet OR in google sheets....totally your preference...but this is your bread & butter! We work from LISTS all the time with this business...and if you don't have one, you're just kinda flailing around in the dark!
Now don't freak won't be asked to start spamming these people right away...but soon, you WILL start conversations with people...just touching base to say hi...ask a question...give a compliment etc. Our business is all about RELATIONSHIPS...building them, cultivating them, CARING about people...and the more you focus on those, the rest will fall into place!!
You'll start by downloading your FB Friends list.....and then using the memory jogger, you'll add anyone else you can think of!! If you already have an IG account, start adding the people you're following to this list as well!! (SEE the ACTION STEPS below for instructions on how to do this)
You'll save this list in either an excel spreadsheet OR in google sheets....totally your preference...but this is your bread & butter! We work from LISTS all the time with this business...and if you don't have one, you're just kinda flailing around in the dark!
Action Step 1:
Download your FB friends list:
Download your FB friends list:
- 1-click the drop down arrow in the upper right corner
- 2-click Settings
- 2-click "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
- 3-it will open a dialogue box with instructions to check your email
- 4-when the download is ready, you will get an email and be asked to re-enter your password to verify it is you
- 5-the download will take a few minutes
- 6-when the download is ready, you click on it in your browser downloads and it opens a zip file
- 7-click the HTML folder in your zip file
- 8-click on "Friends" and it will open a new webpage with a complete list of your current friends, a list of your pending friend requests, and a list of your deleted friends
- 9-copy and paste the desired lists into Excel or Google Sheets and have a working list!
After you add those people, use this Memory Jogger to add a few more!!
Action Step 2: Fill out this Coach Action Plan and send it to your upline. You should be able to just type right in the boxes from your computer....and then save the electronic version....or you can print it out and write in it!