Your success is based on the # of lives you IMPACT....and we do this in 3 steps: Attracting, Connecting and THEN Inviting.
We ATTRACT people to us through our posts on social media...being real, open, vulnerable, sharing what's working for us and what's not working, sharing tips, ideas, recipes, funny stuff, stuff that makes YOU UNIQUE, hobbies etc. People are attracted to YOU...YOU are your brand! We CONNECT to people by reaching out to build and cultivate a relationship. We are in the people business...not the fitness business 🙂 Love, serve and help people regardless of whether they may buy something ❤ You will go MUCH farther in life and in this business if you do this!! THEN, we INVITE 🙂 Don't be afraid to invite people to your challenge groups or even to join your team! Both of these things are amazing and have changed your life in some way. How will they know about it unless we open up and TELL THEM?? They can't read your thoughts 😍 Keep these things in mind when crafting your post: 1. It should reflect your personality, style, & goals- I write mine EXACTLY how I talk in “real life.” 2. Speak from the heart- the same STRUGGLES you have are exactly what people RELATE to! 3. Appeal to the person you’re trying to attract or would love to help! (My customer wants to build healthy, long lasting habits....inside & I'm not going to post solely about getting 6 pack abs or getting shredded for summer...that's not my target market!) 4. It should be visually appealing! PicMonkey, Canva, WordSwag (apps & websites are your friend!) CAUTION: Do not get salesy here! The best CG posts feature YOU - not some 21 Day Fix marketing image that Beachbody created! 5. Showcasing your own RESULTS is MOST effective, but if you are just starting your journey, NO WORRIES, you can use others - just no stock Beachbody transformation photos please! 6. Sense of URGENCY (Example: only 3 spots available & the group starts June 15th). 7. Have a Call to Action (If this interests you LIKE, COMMENT, MESSAGE ME.) Have fun with this - the best thing about this business is you are constantly learning & evolving! Consider these things when posting: 1. Is it working? Are people responding? 2. Would it appeal to YOU? Would YOU raise your hand and say “Yes, Help me!" Here is a new coach posting guide created by another SUPER successful coach. REFERENCE THIS! Pro Tip: ALWAYS start "advertising" for your Challenge Groups 3 weeks before the LAST DAY to order/first day of PREP WEEK (which is one week before the actual workouts start)! This gives you plenty of time to sprinkle it in your newsfeed without throwing Beachbody in people's faces. This strategy is called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook! Your jabs are sprinkles: pictures of you drinking Shakeo, eating a healthy meal, doing your workout, etc. These build interest in what you are doing. THEN you RIGHT HOOK! Your right hook is your INVITE! This is when you finally say: Join Me! I have a group starting on June 15th! DON’T just start advertising Challenge Groups without sprinkling in teasers of what you are doing beforehand! Inviting takes practice...and you won’t get it right every time...You will get no’s, people will ignore you...THAT’S OK! Keep your head up. There are people that NEED YOUR HELP and you won’t be able to find them if you give up!! You’ve got this!! |
- Watch the first video. Read through the tips.
- Craft up your first INVITE post using these tips and the tips from the video!!
- Pair that invite post with a catchy, smiling picture of YOU in good light...wearing bright clothes...doing something fun with your kids or your dog....get creative! Or better yet, YOUR OWN RESULTS!!
- Send that draft to your upline to get feedback and then POST IT!
- Watch the second video for help on how to respond AFTER the invite!
- Need some CONFIDENCE in your invites? Watch THIS!
- Need some SCRIPTS to help you with wording messages to people? Click HERE!